Sunday, 8 January 2017


        I have read documents about the financial crisis, however, inside job offered me a very interesting point of view about the 2008 financial meltdown. Depressing but shocking true. It seems that the America economic system, which is always considered as being the most elite one, has been irretrievably corrupted. Like the name, the movies revealed the invisible but tight linkage between banks and higher reaches of the government, and to some extent the groves of academe. While banks CEOs can create for their banks the law convenient environment, the students in the business school are being taught extremely biased lessons which only focus on the companies’ interests. For long, the society can perceive the gap between the rich and the poor become widened with the world full of business leaders whose skills and knowledge are undeniably good but always work with a very bad ethical attitude.

        Many researchers agreed that deregulation was the main factor of the financial crisis. The financial industry was allowed too much freedom to act in their own interest and made millions of dollars at the cost of taxpayers and general public investments. However, considering from the root, deregulation was created by the objective economic contradictions of capitalism themselves. Unequivocally, the power of financial capitalism has been increased at the expenses of working population. The balance has so long been lost by the corruption and the lacks of ethics that capitalism has brought. Here I do not indicate that how good and bad the capitalism or democracy system can offer. We all know that the best practice should be at the balance point. I just want to notice that even though there has been calls for changes or reforms again and again, they will definitely lead to nothing as long as powers belong to group of people who are corrupted and only want to seek for the benefits for themselves.

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